Just like your cellphone…
You know how your cellphone battery slowly drains as the day goes on? It’s the same principle with your brain’s mental energy. You have a certain amount of brain power to start with that steadily diminishes. Some activities drain your brain more quickly than others (see my previous article Top 3 Brain Drains) and some activities can recharge your brain.
Your mental energy is one of your most precious resources.
How can you preserve it?
Airplane mode
We’re sticking with the cell phone analogy. You’ve probably heard that if you put your cellphone on airplane mode it will preserve the battery life.
If you take brain breaks, or periodically put your brain on “airplane mode,” you can preserve your mental energy to last throughout the day.
Define brain break
A brain break is NOT:
Scrolling social media
Checking email
Listening to the news
Watching TV or YouTube
Actively thinking about a problem
Chatting with your co-worker
A brain break IS:
Disconnecting from people and technology for a few minutes.
Taking a walk (no podcast or music)
Looking out the window
Closing your eyes
Gentle stretching
Getting a glass of water
Turning away from your computer
Taking breaks is productive
Three reasons why brain breaks help you get ahead.
Form memories. Brain breaks give your brain a chance to consolidate new information or experiences so it can create memories. Often people who have schedules booked back-to-back will complain of difficulty remembering things. It’s because they aren’t giving their brain time to form the memories.
Spark creativity. When you allow your mind to wander, a system called the Default Mode Network (DMN) becomes active. The DMN is also known as the “imagination network”. It’s great at putting together information in new ways. When do you get your aha moments? In the shower or on a run? When you get our of the way your brain can create novel solutions and ideas.
Reduce stress. Manage stress a little at a time. Don’t wait and let it build up all day or all week. Chronic stress impairs your brain’s ability to do it’s best work. Taking breaks will help you perform better than if you try to power through.
In a world of constant connection and go-go-go, it’s more important than ever to protect your mental energy and take breaks. It sounds so simple and yet it takes discipline to implement.
Schedule several brain breaks throughout your day. If you don’t proactively schedule them, they won’t happen. One thing I like to do is set meetings to start 5 minutes after the hour, ex: 10:05, instead of 10:00. That 5 minute buffer is the perfect time to take a brain break and mentally recharge to prepare for what’s to come.
Have a mentally energized week!
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I’ve always known that I think more clearly first thing in the morning… now I know why.
I also enjoy laying down & closing my eyes for 15 mins, midday. Knowing that that behavior is productive and not lazy if very eye opening!
a short meditation helps me